Course curriculum

  • 1

    Welcome to Modern Magic

    • Members-Only Welcome Gift

    • Rise Into Yourself Early Access

  • 2

    Benefic Benefactor Members-Only Discounts

    • Course Discount Information

    • Referral Discount Information

  • 3

    Exclusive Livestream

    • Members-Only Livestream Information

  • 4

    Exclusive Monthly Downloadable Content

    • Feb 2022 (Final Month)

    • January 2022

    • December Content 2021

    • Downloadable Content November 2021

    • November Bonus Downloads

    • October 2021 Downloadable Content

    • September Member Content

    • August Downloadable Content

    • July Downloadable Content

    • June Downloadable Content

    • May Downloadable Content

    • April Downloadable Content

    • March 2021 Wallpapers

    • March 2021 Widgets

    • February 2021 Widgets and Wallpapers

    • January Widgets and Wallpapers

    • December Widgets and Wallpapers

    • November 2020 Widgets and Wallpapers

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    Monthly New and Full Moon Chandra Chats Calls

    • Chandra Chats Links

    • Replay Chandra Chat Replay Gemini Lunar Eclipse 11/29

    • Replay Chandra Chat Solar Eclipse in Sagittarius 12/15

    • Replay Chandra Chat Full Moon in Cancer 12/28

    • Replay Chandra Chat Capricorn New Moon 1/13

    • Replay Chandra Chat Full Moon in Leo 01/26

    • Replay Chandra Chat Full Moon in Libra 3/28

    • Replay Chandra Chat New Moon in Aries 4/11

    • Replay Chandra Chat New Moon in Taurus 5-11-2021

    • Replay Chandra Chat Full Moon Sag 5-26-2021 - With Special Guest

    • Solar Eclipse in Gemini Chandra Chat June 12th

    • Full Moon in Capricorn Chandra Chat June 26th

    • New Moon in Cancer Chandra Chat July 11th

    • Full Moon in Aquarius Chandra Chat July 25th

    • Aug 8th New Moon in Leo Chandra Chat

    • Aug 22nd Full Moon in Aquarius Chandra Chat

    • Sept 5th New Moon in Virgo

  • 6

    Cosmic Chef

    • Download Free Copy

  • 7

    Benefic Members-Only Giveaways and Raffles

    • Information

  • 8

    Custom Monthly Rising Report

    • Feb 2022 (Final Month)

    • January 2022

    • December 2021

    • November 2021

    • October 2021

    • September 2021

    • August 2021

    • July 2021

    • June 2021

    • May 2021

    • April 2021

    • March 2021

    • February 2021

    • January 2021

    • December 2020

    • November 2020